How to Create Meditation Tracks With Wondercraft

Alex Hughes-Morgan
May 30
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If you're still searching for the perfect guided meditation to listen to on your hot girl walk, look no further. We're proud to offer the world’s first personalized meditation builder, so you can create the soundtrack to your own inner peace.

Here's how to get started:

Crafting Your Script

Firstly, get started by setting up an account on Wondercraft.

When you first sign in, you'll be greeted with a user-friendly dashboard. Once you've selected 'Meditations' as your project type, you'll be taken to the script generator page. This is where things get interesting.

Browse Meditation Prompts: On the left side of the screen, you can explore various prompts related to Meditations. These include:

  • Stress Release
  • Mindfulness
  • Energy Boost
  • Mantra

Each category provides a specific text prompt with customizable fields. Below is an example:

Click 'Use Prompt', then replace the bracketed text [ ] with details specific to your desired style of meditation.

Generate Your Script: Once you've tailored the prompt to your needs, click the black arrow at the bottom right to generate the script for your meditation using AI.

Finalize Your Meditation

Now that you have your script, it's time to edit it together using our new easy-to-use timeline editor. Here's a full guide to the timeline editor.

Add the finishing touches:

  1. Choose Your Voice: Select from our range of hyperrealistic AI voices.
  2. Parrot Mode: Click on the little parrot to use the parrot mode feature - here you can direct the AI to say words exactly as you want. More on Parrot Mode here.
  3. Add Music and Video: Enhance your ad by adding music and video, more info on this here.
  4. Adjust Copy: Modify the copy as much as you need by hand or use AI to change the tone and format (e.g., make it shorter, longer, more casual, or professional).
  5. Generate Preview: Click 'Generate Preview' at any stage to hear a preview of your meditation without using credits.
  6. In a team workspace, this iteration stage can be completed collaboratively, with real-time feedback from other users.
  7. Produce Track: Once satisfied, click 'Produce Track' to generate the audio. You can save it as an MP3, MP4, or WAV file to share on a host platform of your choice.
  8. If you require external feedback, share a link to your audio file to receive comments from third-party collaborators.

Download Your Meditation

Once you're happy with your guided meditation:

Produce Track: Click 'Produce Track' to generate the final audio.

Download: Save your meditation as an MP3, MP4, or WAV file, ready to share on your preferred host platform.

Collaborate effortlessly

On Wondercraft, it’s super easy to work as a team.

  • Shared Assets: In team workspaces, everyone has access to the same cloned voices, making it easy to create lots of meditations with the same host if that's your goal.
  • Internal Collaboration: Team members can leave notes on the meditation script within the workspace, just like Google Docs, highlighting areas that need improvement.
  • External Feedback: After generating your meditation audio, share it with people via a link, enabling them to provide real-time feedback and accelerate the iteration process.

And there you have it! The world’s first personalized meditation experience. Remember, if you are experiencing severe mental health symptoms, consult a healthcare professional, as meditation is a complementary practice, not a substitute for professional mental health care.

Explore our other articles on creating Audio-books, Ads and Podcasts.

Ready to try it for yourself? Join the 40,000 people using Wondercraft to create stunning audio content in minutes, just by typing.

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